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How COVID-19 is re-shaping corporate comms

By Ian Morris
19 August 2020

By Ian Morris, Partner

Newgate Communications partnered with VMA Group to ask senior in-house communications professionals about the impact of COVID-19 on corporate communications and how we can exit the crisis stronger than before.  From managing a lightning paced crisis in the early days of the pandemic to communicating with worried employees estranged from their colleagues and the workplace, in-house communications teams have found themselves at the epicentre of their organisations’ battle to stay on top of the emerging crisis and all its many arms and legs. And these communications challenges have been compounded by all the common difficulties faced by so many during lockdown.

Whilst this pandemic has brought myriad communications challenges, it has also acted as a catalyst for improving important skillsets; brought out some innovative thinking and creative solutions; and made organisations reflect more deeply on how they behave and how they communicate.  For more details, here is the full report.

Ian Wright CBE - Chief Executive of the Food & Drink Federation
Helen Dunne - Editor of CorpComms Magazine
Russell Craig - Director of Communications at AO World
Julie Mazzei - Principal Consultant at VMA GROUP