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I wanna tell you a LinkedIn story

By Tom Flynn
08 July 2020

By Tom Flynn, Partner, Digital

Depending on where you are in the world, you might have noticed a new feature on LinkedIn over the past couple of weeks. Although not yet available in the UK (where it is expected shortly), users in Australia, Brazil, The Netherlands or UAE now have access to a ‘stories’ feature that is already creating debate amongst the platform’s user base, many of whom feel it isn’t appropriate for the more formal LinkedIn environment.

Stories is a familiar concept to those who use Instagram or Facebook (or indeed Snapchat where the format originated) – photo or video content that stays live for twenty four hours before disappearing forever. Content can include images and videos of up to twenty seconds.

But will this more informal style of content thrive on a professional platform like LinkedIn? LinkedIn isn’t a natural home for stickers, selfies and short video content so it would be easy to be sceptical. But maybe LinkedIn are on to something. A quick check of the UK users in its ad platform shows that around 75% of users are estimated to be under 35. That’s a lot of people in an age bracket that is already very comfortable with this kind of content.

So the main issue for LinkedIn will likely be how it is used. If its younger users take to the format quickly by posting insightful, eye-catching content it could be a success. The risk is that it becomes just another tactic for those annoying sales people who are so prevalent in every other area of the platform.

As with all new features, I’d be willing to bet money that early adopters will get great engagement for two reasons: firstly, LinkedIn will be keen for it to succeed and will ensure posts get larger than expected reach and secondly, the novelty effect will see more users click onto it at first. 

So I’d suggest giving it a go. But don’t assume your company’s usual style of content will suit this new format – maybe find a younger team member who is an Instagram / Snapchat natural and see what they can do with it!