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Letter from... Berlin

04 June 2020

By Geert Harzmann, Senior Consultant, Kohl PR & Partner (Part of SEC Newgate)

After about two months of lockdown, public life in Germany changed abruptly on the weekend of Pentecost, at least temporarily. The relaxation measures of the past weeks, combined with the sunny weather, have led to people streaming out of their houses and apartments in large numbers to enjoy the holidays in parks, on beaches or on bike tours. It gave the impression that sluices had been opened, giving free rein to people's longing to get out of their own four walls again.

However, this also led to critical situations. Thus, the access to beaches had to be partly closed off to guarantee the rules of distance. And at a water demonstration in Berlin on inflatable boats, where attention was drawn to the dying club scene, the police had to intervene because of the violation of distancing rules.

Independently, there are further easing measures, with the federal states adopting different speeds. The governments are now pursuing the strategy of introducing stronger restrictions only locally in affected regions with a renewed rise in infections. Another important measure is the suspension of travel warnings by the federal government for most European countries, effective from 15th June.