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Letter from... Hong Kong

12 June 2020

By Lolo Yu, Senior Consultant, Newgate Hong Kong 

Hong Kong, a city on the brink of return 

This week in Hong Kong, pressure around Covid-19 lost a bit more of its intensity. Bars re-opened, people have started to go out more, more face-to-face meetings, friends are visiting each other and it appears life is getting back to normal. While the government still has social distancing restrictions in place that prohibit more than eight people at the dinner table or just generally hanging out, the streets are as crowded, and the traffic is almost as congested as the pre Covid-19 days. Most people are now working from the office and client meetings in Hong Kong are back on the agenda – although travelling to China is still not possible. 

There is a strong sense of other people’s health, protection and public hygiene in Hong Kong. Almost everyone wears a mask when in public places and you can’t get into a restaurant or bar without signing a waiver or having your temperature checked. Hand santizers continue to dot the front kiosks of every entrance way.  Even as the protestors get back into action, Hong Kong people make a collective effort to prevent the spread of the virus.  The last reported community case of Covid was on 8th June and there are high hopes to see a zero-case daily record extend for 28 days that will be the point at which Hong Kong can confirm it is Covid free.