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Why are we here

15 April 2020

In exceptional times it is essential that as much attention and effort is made as necessary to ensure all stakeholders are kept properly up to date. We are here because we owe you timely information and continual updates. This is the time to ensure access and transparency to the highest level.

We want to tell you what we are doing and, above all, what we are aiming to achieve. In incredibly tough times such as these, the amount of energy and resources from our whole team is so exceptional that it is worth mentioning and sharing outside the Group.

I would like to take the opportunity to publicly thank all our people who are doing incredible work regardless of the significant changes in their situation and working conditions. Focus has remained unchanged. This attitude is fully shared by our Managing Partners who are running operations in a solid and consistent manner and who are always in touch with the Group via regular virtual meetings with our senior teams, coordinating the efforts of all staff.

Thanks to this attitude, not only are we maintaining our business across five continents with incredible energy but we need to serve our clients to an even higher standard given the difficulties they are facing now. We are striving as never before to boost growth and seek opportunities where many would only see threats, notably in crisis management and event digitalisation. As you will discover reading the first issue of our investor newsletter... 

We are monitoring the many changes we see currently in society, companies and communications in general and laying out new tools, initiatives and projects to seize the many opportunities we are identifying.

Most of these changes, we believe, will remain for the mid to long term as Covid-19 is expected to radically change parts of our lives. So, by preparing for tough times we like to believe we are also positioning ourselves well for good times, when business finally returns to normal. In fact, we are also working at extra speed to develop recovery plans for industries particularly hit by the crisis (tourism, hospitality, education, traditional retail and commercial real estate, automotive, transportation, apparel and beauty products, household appliances etc).

We are here, finally, because in times of remote working and social distancing we want to keep in direct contact with our investors and, in a more general way, with the financial community with a warm touch, as it has always been and because we want to keep and nurture your trust.

Enjoy reading our newsletter.

Fiorenzo Tagliabue