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Managing Reputations

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Crisis Hub

Read our crisis & issues management brochure

We work with organisations to plan for, manage and mitigate issues, crises and special situations. We use effective communications strategies to set out corporate position, engage with key stakeholders and counter inaccurate or negative narratives.

Need an urgent response?

Defending reputations

We help organisations and their management teams prepare for, manage and recover from reputational issues and help minimise a full-blown crisis.

A reputational issue can quickly escalate to become a crisis which can make or break an organisation and its leadership.

Mitigating the risk of suffering one, improving crisis resilience, and handling issues quickly and effectively as they arise can protect individual and corporate reputation; the valuation; and ensure business continuity.

SEC Newgate’s global team and award-winning team of experts have managed some of the most high-profile issues from cyber attacks and data breaches to terrorist attacks, environmental disasters to hostile takeovers, property issues (i.e. fires and floods) to death-in-service, trade union disputes to child labour allegations.

In short, we have experience in handling your worst nightmare.

Watch related crisis video content below

Road to No.10 series: Responding to a crisis

Meet our team of crisis communications specialists

What our experts are saying

Read the latest articles from our crisis and issues specialists.



Reports and brochures

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